Translation for SCIELO?
Is someone working on a translator to SCIELO database?
SCIELO is a repository for peer reviewed open publications in Latin America, Spain and Portugal (
SCIELO is a repository for peer reviewed open publications in Latin America, Spain and Portugal (
It should start working again. If this works for you, please post here so that I can submit this change to be pushed to all users.
This will not work for search results - there is a tricky permission issue that I can't sort out. It also won't work for the Spanish site, which doesn't provide the metadata - there it will default to the DOI where present.
(and yeah, I had overlooked the old translator initially, was going to mention that before submitting).
Greg Michener, Brazil
"please specify "didn't work"? Sample URL?"
Try to save this paper to your Zotero and you'll see the translator issues:
I appreciate you working on the fix. I updated my translators inside of preferences, shut down FFx, then tried to grab an article from Scielo. No dice. HereĀ“s the article:
Let me know when you guys are able to get the formula right. Appreciate it.
Greg Michener