Improvments to translator for Bibliothèque nationale de France (French National Library)

Hi there,

thank you a lot for the translator on the French National Library "Catalogue général".
Some of the data is missing in the imported reference.
From the original UNIMARC-format

- collection and subcollection: add 225 $i to the collection (or use 410 $t
- multi-collection volume : repeat collection field if possible, or ignore one of 225 if there are $v ?
- number in collection : if several 225$v, then use , for separating them
- subjects: 600 $a $c $f ok, missing $x and $z
- author: field 700 : add $e
- multivolume : use field 327 for the title or other field (extra) e.g.

Thanks again for all your efforts,
Dominique S.
  • I can do this, but it'd be better if you could give me stable URLs or search terms (ISBN, accession number) to find the right records.
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