Citation color in Word plugin
Hi I'm a biologist and really like Zotero. I searched the other requests and didn't see this one. I was wondering if color selection could be added to the citation editor or of all citations in general? There are a few journal styles that have blue citations, for example and I found this very nice for sifting quickly through the citations in the article to find the one(s) your looking for. In the writing process this would be even more convenient. Making the citations pop out would be nice.
Thanks for your consideration.
Thanks for your consideration.
Can you provide a link to an author or style guide that mentions the color requirement, so we can document this to keep in mind for future revisions of the citation system? I don't think this is likely to happen any time soon, but it's good to keep a handle on the breadth of styles out there.
<!> Make sure to save a copy of your doc on the side before doing this(Just in case)
NOW to change all citations colors go to:
MS Word Home tab >>Find and Replace
1. Select Replace tab,
2. click on More>>
3.Search options____________
Search: select All
*uncheck all checkbox
4. Click inside Find what as if you are about to type something
Look at the bottom under
>Go to Format
Tick "superscript" and make sure all the rest are unchecked
then OK
5. Click inside Replace with as if you are about to type something
Look at the bottom under
>Go to Format
All text______________
Replace your citations with the font color you want(in Font color)
then OK.
6. Click Replace All.
This is for windows users. But other OS may also be the same.