Failed Auto-Update Notification

I manually upgraded my Zotero SA 2.1 to 3.0b2.1 on Mac OSX. Although it seems to be working just fine, I get the "Alert: Your Standalone installation appears to be corrupted due to a failed auto-update..."

I looked to a similar forum post here:

But, it didn't seem to answer my question: My installation seems to be fine, so I'd like to prevent that Alert Box from popping up every time I open Zotero and I'd like to ensure my database isn't actually corrupt.

Thanks in advance.
  • Your database is fine. The Zotero application itself isn't. Delete the application and reinstall it. If you still get this error, something weird is going on, and we would appreciate any information about how your system might be different from our test environment.
  • That did the trick. All is well with the world once again. Thanks!
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