Duplicate detection gone in 3.x beta?

Previously I had enabled duplicate detection using the settings described in: http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/13658/barrier-to-entry-no-duplicate-detection/

It used to work fine, but after updating to the beta version (3.0b2), it appears to have gone missing even though I have set it up the same way in about:config. Is this feature going to be permanently gone? Or is it just missing in the beta?
  • it's actually fully implemented and functional in the beta and doesn't require the work-around and hidden preference anymore.
    Right-click on My Library detects duplicates, the rest should be pretty clear.
  • This has been replaced by a proper duplicate detection system-- click on "Duplicate Items" in the collection list to see the detected duplicates and resolve them cleanly.
  • Oh! I didn't even see that. Thanks!
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