Change case in RTF

I have a simple request. Do I?
Is it possible to make a button in RTF editor for changing case?

I admit, usually is my sloppiness, I forgot to turn off caps lock. But sometimes could be useful when you later want to change case of one or two sentences.
  • edited September 15, 2011
    Along a similar line, I spend so much time editing journal article titles. Some journals capitalize the first letter of each word in the article title and this is imported into the Zotero reference. In most citation styles (Cell, Nature, Science), only the first letter of the first word of the journal article is in upper-case. Although it is easy to click on the imported reference and change the title manually, this becomes a nightmare when one is writing a thesis with ~300 references.

    Can we have a function to automatically save the citation in lowercase letters, or as mentioned above, a button to change casing?

    Thanks. Zotero is great!
  • dbnyoung - that's not what this thread is about. You can start a new one, but please first do a forum search for sentence case and read dome of the discussions.
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