Offer "Sync on close" in addition to "Sync automatically"

I searched, but I did not see this feature request.

I would recommend an option for "sync on close." That is, an option to have Zotero do a library/file sync after I try to close Zotero Standalone or the Firefox add on. I do this in practice, because "sync automatically" really hurts note-taking. As soon as I stop typing in a note, the sync kicks in, the note freezes, and I have to wait. So I often just click on sync before going home for the day - except in cases where I forget!

Having a "Sync on close" pop-up (just like a "You have unsaved changes. Save now?" pop-up in a word processor) would help this situation.
  • I recognise this problem. Sync on close would also be annoying though, as you often close when you, well, really want to close and don't wait to wait for a sync to complete.

    A solution might be to not sync immediately when notes are added, but only after a while, or only after note editing has finished.
  • "A solution might be to not sync immediately when notes are added, but only after a while, or only after note editing has finished." I agree; if this can be done, then my feature request would probably be moot.
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