Cannot update bibliography - error message on Mac using Word 2004
I'm on a Mac (10.6.8), using Zotero 2.1.8 and have Zotero MacWord Integration 3.1.6 installed, as well as PythonExt 110710. I'm using Firefox 6.0. At some point recently (after upgrading to Firefox 6.0?) I became unable to update bibliographies in my documents. I get an error every time I try: Command: app(u'/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/MS Word').active_document.fields[59].result_range.content.set(") A similar error shows up (replace [59] with [60] when I insert a citation, which I can do but the reference doesn't show up in the bibliography. Do I have to upgrade to MS Office 2008? I vaguely recall a message popping up after upgrading Firefox (I think) that said I would no longer be able to use Zotero with MS 2004 but I ignored it. Could you tell me if this is the case or if there's something else I can do? Thanks.
Thanks for that. I just saw your reply today when I got back to work today, where I'm using a PC and Word 2010. Now I get the error message "Zotero experienced an error updating your document" when I try to update the bibliography on the same document I first wrote about in this thread. I've gone through all the suggestions in 'debugging broken documents' EXCEPT reinstalling Word 2010 b/c this is a work computer and I didn't install it in the first place so I don't have the product key.
I've just generated a Report ID: 1024558650.
This is the only doc I've worked on on both my macs and this PC in the last 2 weeks; thus it's the only that has generated this error. However, my PhD dissertation that I'm working on today on the same PC (haven't inserted any citations using my macs for a long while) has no problem with citations and automatically updates the biblio. I'm scared to death to work on it on my macs, in case the same problem crops up. Any other suggestions, please?
Please note that this problem started on the mac. If I upgrade from Word 2004 on the mac, will that solve the problem? My husband is looking into the upgrade...