Bibliography not in proper ascending order

I am using the latest Zotero on a Mac. I am typing a Word 2008 document, Chicago Manual, 16th, full note with bibliog. In the bibliog, I have three sources for one author w/years 2008, 2010, 2011. 2008 and 2010 are articles, 2011 a book. In the rest of the bibliog, with one author and multiple sources, it shows earliest first (ascending order), which is correct. With this particular group of references, however, the 2011 inserts itself between the 2008 and 2010. I've tried everything; in the past, I used refresh in blibliog and it worked, but not this time. Help!
  • According to CMoS 14.67:
    "In a bibliography (as opposed to a reference list; see 15.17), titles by the same author are normally listed alphabetically."
    (15.17 refers to the CMoS author-date style)
    I assume that's what's going on - that's what the style is coded to do.
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