footnote backreferences, bennet

Now that I've updated to 2.1 (and also to Firefox 6), I was disappointed that refreshing the Zotero cites in one of my old documents would NOT "back-reference" the notes, nor would a new document provide this luxury, i.e. as had been "promised" in an earlier reply from Bennet on this subject:
"Note that general improvements in support for legal styles are in the offing. When Zotero 2.1 comes out, it will include an upgrade of the citation processor to CSL 1.0, which supports footnote back-references and the "five-footnote rule". Also, for legal materials specifically, the particular CSL processor to be used by Zotero 2.1 has been built to support the collapsing of parallel references, both in footnotes and in tables of authorities."
Does anyone know the status??
  • Which style are you using?
  • bluebook, mainly
  • This is a feature that needs to be explicitly coded into a citation style.

    There is a bluebook 19th edition style on the repository that does that (note that there are currently 3 bluebook styles - two of them don't have this implemented yet, only the one that literally says 19th edition has.)

    And no reason to be so unfriendly about it...
  • As adamsmith says, the backreference behavior needs to be coded into the style, and only the Bluebook 19th ed. (aka bluebook-19th.csl) style makes use of it. That new variant is a complete rewrite of the style, completed only fairly recently. The other Bluebook variants will probably be retired in favor of Bluebook 19th ed. fairly soon (i.e. within a week or two).
  • many thanks to you both, very happy about this improvement, and sorry if "promised" looked unfriendly
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