zotero feed returns http: vs. https:

I'm imagine this may be some feed specification, but I'm curious why the Zotero feed returns http:// links to feed items, vs. https://? (I've noticed that it converts upon clicking to https:// anyway.) Apparently these Zotero http:// links are breaking pages on my site when viewed via Chrome, so I'd really like for them to be embedded as https://.

Many thanks,

Jim P.
  • I'm pretty sure that the https links would be fine according to the Atom specification. But the mere presence of http links shouldn't break anything. Content fetched over HTTP on an HTTPS page would cause errors/warnings, but Zotero's feed is served over HTTPS only. Can you provide a URL that shows this issue?
  • edited August 15, 2011
    Yes, you seem to be correct; I've edited out another http:// in a plugin js call, and the a href's with Zotero links don't seem to be breaking anything (it wouldn't make sense!). Example research project mashup calling Zotero feed (see bottom middle) is


    and example site mashup calling Zotero is


    Many thanks again,

    Jim P.
  • Glad to see this is working now, and nice work on the mashup!
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