author (first) name abbreviation and order in citation

I normally use the Modern Humanities research association style. However, I have been requested to change the citation style, but not that much:
I just need to have the first\christian\given name of the author and editors abbreviated.

for example, I need to change from:

Manuel Sotomayor and Teresa Berdugo, ‘contribution title’, in book title, ed by Manuel Sotomayor and José Fernéndez Ubina, (Granada: Ediciones Miguel Sánchez, 2005), pp. 89-114.
M. Sotomayor and T. Berdugo, ‘contribution title’, in book title, ed by M. Sotomayor and J. Fernéndez Ubina, (Granada: Ediciones Miguel Sánchez, 2005), pp. 89-114.

I guess there should be a way to obtain such a modification... but I don't know if it it too much work... on the other hand, I don't think it is reasonable to browse the whole repository looking for a similar style (or is there a way to have a look at a particular "family" of styles?).
Is there anyone who can help?
If you think that's desperate, let me know! I'll try to accept the idea of doing a last minute hand-made abbreviation! (I'm the kind of guy who needs to do a refresh twenty minutes before the deadline expires)
I spent some hours today trying to sort this thing out by myself. but without results... that seems to be much more complicated than I thought...

thanks a lot!
  • you can pretty easily adjust the style.
    First, see here:
    then, what you want to do is add
    initialize-with=". "
    to the respective <name formatting, e.g. for the behavior in notes as you describe it:
    <macro name="contributors-note">
    <names variable="author">
    <name and="text" sort-separator=", " delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="never"/>


    <macro name="contributors-note">
    <names variable="author">
    <name and="text" sort-separator=", " delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="never" initialize-with=". "/>

    depending on where exactly you need initials you will want to do this in a couple of other places, too.
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