Cite Primary Sources

Is there a possibility to work with primary sources in Zotero? For example references to the following sources should in all footnote-formats be cited in the same way:

Herodotus, History III.2.45.
Josephus Flavius, Jewish Wars I.33.
Augustine, Confessions I.3.

Now Zotero handles them as normal books, which is not according to the academic standards. They do it simply like my examples. Also these sources are not included in the bibliography.
  • no, not currently.
    I would refer to this as classical sources btw. and not as primary sources (which are a much broader category and often include archival information that needs to be cited) - you can find some discussion of this under that label on the forum.

    If they're not going to be in the bibliography, I think you're best of not using Zotero to cite them anyway.
  • 'Classical sources' is indeed a better term, you're right. I want to cite them in Zotero, because it's easier to make a database of them and prevent different spellings.

    In the meanwhile I read all the discussions about it in the form. Is there a possibility to vote on this option, so that it will be included in Zotero?
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