OO 3.3 plugin / trouble to insert scitation into frame field
I use OO 3.3 and latest version of Zotero/Zotero OO plugin
Due to some reason I cannot insert scitation into Frame field of OO.
Is that a known feature?
Seems like I can use scitations with table fields, which are outside of Frame entity of OO, which is nice, but I would also appreciate to use them within figure captions, which are by default part of Frame object of OO.
A bug to report here - Zotero plugin complains when I try to insert scitation into Frame object ("Zotero fields cannot be inserted here"), however, if I insert a table into frame, the Zotero plugin crashes with:
Due to some reason I cannot insert scitation into Frame field of OO.
Is that a known feature?
Seems like I can use scitations with table fields, which are outside of Frame entity of OO, which is nice, but I would also appreciate to use them within figure captions, which are by default part of Frame object of OO.
A bug to report here - Zotero plugin complains when I try to insert scitation into Frame object ("Zotero fields cannot be inserted here"), however, if I insert a table into frame, the Zotero plugin crashes with:
An error occurred communicating with Zotero: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.zotero.integration.ooo.comp.TextTab|eManager. (Tex|:Tab|eManager.java:40)
at org.zoteroJntegration.ooo.comp.Referencewlark.getDocumentRange(ReFerenceMark.java:269)
at org.zotero.integration.0oo.comp.ReferenceMark.compareTo(ReferenceMark.java:278)
at org.zotero.integration.0oo.comp.ReferenceMark.compareTo(ReferenceMark. java: 1)
at java.uti|.Arrays.mergeSort(Unknown Source)
at java.uti|.Arrays.sort(Unknown Source)
at java.uti|.Co||ections.sort(Unknown Source)
at org.2otero.integration.ooo.comp.Document.ge|:Fie|ds(Document.java:332)
at org.2otero.integration.ooo.c0mp.Comm.gctMessageRcsponse(Comm.java: 178)
at org.zotero.integration.0oo.comp.Comm.readMessage(Comm.java: 126)
at org.zotero.integration.0oo.c0mp.Comm.mainLoop(Comm.java:258)
at org.zotero.integration.0oo.c0mp.Comm.run(Comm.java:286)
at org.zotero.integration.0oo.c0mp.Comm.sendMessage(Comm.java: 100)
at org.zotero.integration.ooo.comp.Comm.mainLoop(Comm.java:246)
at org.zotero.integration.ooo.c0mp.Comm.run(Comm.java:286)
at java.|ang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)