Automated Filling-In of ISSN/DOI

To whom it may concern,

I have many times found quite tedious having to fill in ISSNs again and again, either in case it was not possible to retreive them automatically via translator, or due to the very fact the particular item was created manually.

Would it not be feasible to use a similar way as in case of adding an item by identifier to automatically fill in missing ISSNs, preferably to all respective library entries at once? Or would it be even possible for ISSN to be filled in automatically, without having to take care of it? Could not Zotero use the same method again, i.e. searching a database (WorldCat) and retrieving ISSN? Most probably, Zotero would have to use combination of author and title fields, as in Crossref Questquery (it works fine in WorldCat as well in this way, which may be due the fact they are both related to OCLC).

It would be great if Zotero could automatically add DOI as well. There are many articles without any DOI though. That is why ISSN is important, especially in cases there are several publications with the same or similar name. Moreover, there are citation styles according to which ISSN is compulsory.

I have tried to go through the forums to find out if somebody has already addressed the idea summarised above, but without success. If I have omitted something, please forgive me.

Thanks for taking notice of this post
  • This is an important and good idea, and I have some ideas of how it could be done. See -- this is the same basic issue, and it's on my short-list of things to improve in Zotero.

    Batch editing, which has also been discussed, would also help a lot, but I don't know when that is likely to come to Zotero.
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