Problem with disambiguation


I have a problem with the MS Word plugin like this one:

More precisely spoken, there is one author who will always get cited with his first name initial. And I don't get why. First I thought, well this might be due to differing name credentials in the database/bibliography. So I harmonized all of them.

Still, the initials got shown. So, I thought, let's narrow down a little bit and I deleted all citations/references to this author but one (as stated above). And even then the initial for the first name will be shown. I just don't get it. Of course I have now even deleted that one citation and re-inserted ... and the initial will still be displayed.

How can that be that an initial will be displayed even if that authors is cited only once in the whole paper? And why only this one and no other authors?

Best regards
  • Is the author entered in single-field mode in the Zotero database?
  • Always double-field. :(
  • And must be some kind of disambiguation rule, because when I deliberately write a false surname for this article then the initial will disappear in the citation.

    Perhaps this could help, but I don't know how: When I search for the surname in my zotero database then I get four articles by this author and some more hits. However, these other hits are articles that are not from this author and I find no field where this author is even mentioned. Therefore I don't even know why the zotero search lists these entries. Could that be a step towards the solution?
  • Why ... I don't know where the problem was, but when I changed from Harvard citation style to another and then back to Harvard the mysterious initial was gone.

    Nonetheless thanks for your time.
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