Please remove scraper - it conflicts with COinS!

As I wrote at
The existing scraper for http://* conflicts with COinS. It was writte when no COinS were available at the page, but now they are. Can you please remove the scraper?

It is still in the current SVN version in line 5541:

REPLACE INTO translators VALUES ('0faa6714-927a-4b07-911e-7101895daae0', '1.0.0b4.r1', '', '2007-07-31 16:45:00', '0', '100', '4', 'GBV', 'Ramesh Srigiriraju', '^http://(?:www\.|gso\.)?gbv\.de/', ...
  • OK, it's been removed. Zotero will auto-update within 24 hours or you can update manually from the Zotero prefs.
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