csl processor bug editor translator

The processor, at least in some instances, does not correctly process

<names variable="editor translator" delimiter=". ">

To replicate, install the most recent version of the MLA style from the repository
The relevant macro is:
<macro name="editor-translator">
<names variable="editor translator" delimiter=". ">
<label form="verb-short" text-case="capitalize-first" suffix=". " strip-periods="true"/>
<name and="symbol" delimiter=", "/>

A sample item is here: https://gist.github.com/1098358

Actual output:
Author1, One. Book with Translator. Location: Test Publisher, 2009. Print.

Expected output:
Author1, One. Book with Translator. Trans. Two Translator. Location: Test Publisher, 2009. Print.

I'm pretty sure I've seen this before - I'm not sure if this is conditional on some other factor, or always occurs. Oddly enough, if I switch the order of to names="translator editor" this seems to work fine for both editors and translators...
  • The last time we hit this, I think I said I was unable to reproduce, we were unsure whether there might be a problem with your system, and it faded from the radar.

    It looks like my test was flawed. I've been able to reproduce it this time, and I found the error in the code. Pushing a fix now.
  • that sounds right, yes. Thanks for fixing this.
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