Translations according to language

Hello zotero-community,

I have got papers at my library with different languages. Is there any possiblity to differentiate at the bibliography by language ? That means that e.g.:

the page letter of an english article gets: p. for page and
the page letter of an german article gets: S. for Seite (page in German)


an english article gets: ... (Edt.) for editor
an German article gets: ... (Hrsg.) for Herausgeber (editor in German)

Lots of greetings from Dresden, Germany,

  • Not at this point, no. We're gradually moving there and if you want to prepare for that you can put locale-type language codes into the language field (i.e. de-DE for German, en-US for (American) English etc.) but it will be a good amount of time before this will actually do anything in the regular version of Zotero.
    There is an experimental multilingual version of Zotero that is designed specifically with the needs of researchers using multiple language publications in mind. Fbennett would have to say if it addresses use cases such as this one.
  • Yes, the multilingual version can do this.
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