APA style problem!

When citing a ref in Word 2010, I have this problem:
(D. Borsboom, Kievit, Cervone, & Hood, 2009)

It should be:
(Borsboom, Kievit, Cervone & Hood, 2009)

So Zotero erroneously puts in an extra comma and adds the first name (D.) of the first author.

I have checked thoroughly.. There is no problem with the way the authors figures in zotero (i.e. first names are not in the same fields as the last names and punctuation is correct)

I did import the post using raw text editing of the fields. I don't know if that makes a differences ...In that case it would seem strange that the data are correctly shown in Zotero (in firefox) but shows up problematic when inserting the citation in word?

using FF 5.0.1, word 2010 (with newest zotero plugin), win7/64bit
  • edited July 21, 2011
    While it's not an official guide, the Purdue OWL has clear examples that include the comma when the ampersand is preceded by more than one name.

    The stray "D. " in "D. Borsboom" is almost certainly due to another cite with Borsboom as the first author elsewhere in your document. If the names in the two items refer to the same author, they must match exactly, or the CSL engine will kick in and try to disambiguate them, as required by the style.
  • Thanks fbennett - you were right:
    • The stray comma looks odd, but I guess its supposed to be there.
    • I checked every reference to Borsboom in Zotero and made them exact matches ...which solved my problem.
    • Great to hear! Glad it's working for you.
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