New (?) MLA error: no translator

Something weird has happened with MLA style: it seems that the translator field has been omitted or displaced.
  • you installed the most recent style from the repository? Could you give a sample citation with how it looks and how it should look?
  • Yes...installed the version from 6/17/2011.


    Rancière, Jacques. _The Emancipated Spectator_. London: Verso, 2009.

    Should be:

    Rancière, Jacques. _The Emancipated Spectator_. Trans. Gregory Elliot. London: Verso, 2009.

    I hadn't encountered this error before; perhaps it was introduced with the recent update.

  • yes, that's likely - there has been a major revamp of the style with many improvements, but it's possible something fell off, I'll have a look.
  • OK - style is correct, but somehow there's a bug in how it's processed, I'll follow up with the csl team and hope to have that fixed in the next version of Zotero.
    Let me know if this is urgent, there is an existing workaround, but it's a little complicated so unless you're in a hurry likely not worth it.
  • OK, this is fixed in csl and will be fixed in the next version of Zotero, due out relatively soon I'd think.
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