style request: Annals of Biomedical Engineering

Hey developers,

I couldn't find the citation style for Annals of Biomedical Engineering and was wondering of someone could create it for me. I have the details of the style, an example publication, a similar style, and differences between the two styles. Oh, and for completeness I have listed their full style guide that tells how to cite journal articles, books, and chapters in edited books, but I only need to cite journal articles. Thanks for your help.

style guide from publisher:
can also be found at:

References should be typed separately, double−spaced, arranged alphabetically by author, and numbered serially, with only one reference per number. The number appropriate to each reference should be superscripted at the proper point in the text. The formats are:
Journal articles. Last name of first author, followed by initials, initials and last names of each coauthor; title of article (first word only capitalized); name of journal (abbreviated as in Serial Sources for the BIOSIS Data Base, published by BioSciences Information Service), volume, inclusive pages, and year.
Example: 1. Haselton, F. R., R. E. Parker, R. J. Roselli, and T. R. Harris. Analysis of lung multiple indicator data with an effective diffusivity model of capillary exchange. J. Appl. Physiol. 57:98−109, 1984.
Book references. Author(s) as above; title of book (main words capitalized); city of publication; publisher; year and pages, e.g.,: Thompson, D. A. W. On Growth and Form. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1961, 346 pp.
For chapter in an edited book: Glass, L. and A. Shrier. "Low dimensional chaos in the heart." In: Theory of Heart: Biomechanics, Biophysics, and Nonlinear Dynamics of Cardiac Function , edited by L. Glass, P. Hunter, and A. McCulloch. New York: Springer−Verlag, 1991, pp. 289−−312.

A free sample issue of the journal can be accessed through the journal website:

A similar style is Nature Journal, which can be found in the zotero repository. Here are some citations I pulled from a Nature article:

1. Schwartz, J. C., Arrang, J. M., Garbarg, M., Pollard, H. & Ruat, M. Histaminergic
transmission in the mammalian brain. Physiol. Rev. 71, 1–51 (1991).
2. Hill, S. J. Distribution, properties, and functional characteristics of three classes of
histamine receptor. Pharmacol. Rev. 42, 45–83 (1990).
3. Hill, S. J. et al. International Union of Pharmacology. XIII. Classification of histamine receptors. Pharmacol. Rev. 49, 253–278 (1997).

The major differences for citing journal articles is as follows:
1. Nature lists each entry in the bibliography in the order it was referenced in the article; ABE lists them alphabetically by the last name of the first author.
2. Nature abbreviates the author list if there is more than x authors by using et al.; ABE does not use et al., but instead lists all authors.
3. Nature always lists author last name, followed by initials; ABE lists the first author this way, but all subsequent authors are listed by their initials and then last name.
4. Nature use '&' before the last author; ABE uses the word 'and'.

The largest difference between the 2 styles is in the author list. Besides that, all of the information listed in the references of the 2 styles are the same, they are just in different order, and formatted differently(italics,bold,parentheses,etc).

Thanks again for your help.

  • ok, got it, will take some time, though.
  • any updates on the style? I appreciate the work you guys do. I am anxious to send my article out to the editor of the journal, and am just waiting on the citation style.
  • I'll try hard to do it this week.
  • Ok, it's uploaded, should show up on the repository within the next 30mins.
  • Hey adam,

    I really appreciate your help. I just installed the style, and it works nicely, but I found a couple errors. The first one is really minor...the journal says there is supposed to be a space between author initials. The second one is a bigger one...the csl file doesn't include the journal name in the bibliography. Below I have included the current output of the csl file, and what it needs to output.


    1. Haselton, F.R., R.E. Parker, R.J. Roselli, and T.R. Harris. Analysis of lung multiple indicator data with an effective diffusivity model of capillary exchange. 57:98−109, 1984.

    1. Haselton, F. R., R. E. Parker, R. J. Roselli, and T. R. Harris. Analysis of lung multiple indicator data with an effective diffusivity model of capillary exchange. J. Appl. Physiol. 57:98−109, 1984.
  • oops. Fixed - should show up within 30mins - check for the updated time-stamp.
  • thanks. it works beautifully!
  • great. any problems let me know.
    If you request other styles in the future, please spend some more time on identifying differences - I had to spend a good bit of time getting books and book chapters right.
  • Hi, I tried the csl file with Mendeley and Word but Word kept crashing.

    I downloaded the csl file and placed it in Mendeley's citation style folder. The name appeared in Mendeley's citation style list. I selected it in Word through Mendeley's word plugin. Then Word crashed. I couldn't get any error messages so I can't work out why.
  • all styles currently on the Zotero repository are valid csl. If they crash Mendeley, contact Mendeley support.
  • Hi adam
    first of all many thanks for your great work. So far everything works fine... except, when I refer to a book, the place and publisher seem to be in a wrong order. For instance:
    Thompson, D. A. W. On Growth and Form. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1961, 346 pp.
    Thompson, D. A. W. On Growth and Form. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1961, 346 pp.
    Can you fix this tiny bug please?
    Thanks a lot, Adrian
  • fixed now - sorry it took so long.
  • Hi Adam
    Thanks a lot for your commitment. It’s almost precisely one year ago since you helped me with my previous issue. Now, I thought it’s time for another one. :-)
    We figured that also patents are not included in the current style sheet. We added the following if-clause in the “Journal-info” macro.

    <else-if type="patent">
    <text variable="number" prefix="Patent: "/>

    Temporarily, this worked for us. However, the patents are always listed with their source URL which are supposedly not required if you provide a proper patent number.
    We would be glad, if you could include this in an official release of the style sheet. Thanks a lot!

  • The style is now fixed. The updated version will appear on the repository within 30mins (check the timestamp). Update your copy of the style by re-installing it from the repository. (See here if you need instructions for installing styles in standalone.)
    Any further problems please let us know.
  • Hello adamsmith and all the others,

    I am also interested in using the endnote style for Annals of biomedical engineering. Where could I download it?

    Thank you very much, this is really appreciated!

  • you can find the _Zotero_ style here:
    can't help you with endnote.
  • Hello Everyone,

    Can someone tell me how to add this style to endnote. Thank You
  • you can't. Zotero (CSL) styles don't work in Endnote. They work in most other reference managers except for Endnote and RefWorks, both of which have their own proprietary versions.
  • Many journals provide Endnote styles. You can check out their website, otherwise you're on your own.
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