Problem with notes and bibliographical info display

Recently zotero has stopped opening and displaying notes and bibliographical information in the right pane as it should. It used to be that when I would select a note from my bibliography it would display in the right pane. Now when I select a note the right pane stays grey, though with the button to display in an independent window on the bottom. If I click that button or double-click the highlighted note in the middle pane, then the note will display in a popup window. Strangely, after the new window appears, the selection changes in the middle pane, such that instead of the note I clicked remaining highlighted, the bibliographic entry for the item in which the note appears as highlighted. Furthermore, while the new item is highlighted, no bibliographical information for the item is displayed, and the right pane remains grey with a button on the bottom for opening a note in a new window. From this point, every time I try to open any new note either under the same or a different bibliographical entry by double clicking on the note entry in the middle pane or clicking on the open in new window button in the right pane, only the original note that I first open will appear. If I want to see another note, I have to close zotero, open it up again, and then double click on the note.

I am using zotero 2.1.8 with Firefox 5.0 in ubuntu 10.10. My system language is Chinese. I have tried checking the integrity of the database in the advanced options, but everything appears to be normal.

I have screenshots below:

Screenshot 1: Highlighted a note in the middle pane, note not displaying in right pane

Screenshot 2: Note opened in new window, but selection in middle pane automatically changed to main entry for that note--though without displaying bibliographical information for the item in the right pane

Screenshot 3: Attempting to select a new item, but still no bibliographical information displayed in right pane

If I were to try to open a note filed under a different bibliographical entry in the middle pane, then the first note would appear in a new window, making the screen look exactly like Screenshot 2.

Please let me know if there is any other information that I could provide.

Thanks much,

Saul Thomas
  • Disable any other Firefox extensions you're running and switch back to the default Firefox theme if you're using a non-default theme or Persona.
  • edited July 13, 2011
    Ah ha! It seems as though the culprit must be Adblock Plus 1.3.9. When that is disabled zotero works normally.

    It doesn't look as though this bug has been filed at the adblock plus bugzilla. Would the appropriate thing to do be to file a bug there?

    Thanks much!
  • that would be very specific - I'd assume that tons of people use ad block plus and Zotero together, so if it is indeed ad block, the problem must be particular to your set-up, else we'd see much more of it.
  • Perhaps it's due to a recent adblock plus update? I've had both that and zotero installed for ages, but only encountered this problem with displaying notes some days ago. According to, their most recent update was done 16 days ago, and it was probably automatically updated in my setup by firefox some days after that. That might be when my problem with displaying notes started. Maybe some other people could test whether or not the most recent version of adblock plus is working normally with zotero on their machines?
  • I've got Adblock Plus 1.3.9 and the notes work just fine with zotero 2.1.8.
    Regards, Jon.
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