missing a bracket, or one too many, not sure?

Hi when using Chicago author-date the style seems to be missing a bracket when using 'in press' at the moment I'm getting

(Drayson and Clark (in press)

and I assume I should get (Drayson and Clark (in press))
or is it supposed to be (Drayson and Clark in press)

so it's either one bracket too many, or one too few.
Regards, Jon
libreoffice 3.3.2 zotero 2.1.8 3.5a2
  • Jon,

    How is "in press" entered in Zotero?
  • (At a guess, it's entered in the date field, as "(in press)". I can confirm that the second parens is quashed in that case, which shouldn't be happening. I'll take a look.)
  • Yes it is
    (in press)
    Thanks, Jon.
  • edited July 5, 2011
    I've found the bug in the citation processor and applied a fix. The next Zotero release will be more well behaved on this. Thanks for the report.

    (Edit: While the processor was clearly messing up, I'm not sure what that cite is supposed to look like in Chicago. I just take care of the plumbing. :)
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