any tips to get large database imported

I have 10,000+ references in Endnote, also in Bibtex format in Jabref. Can export from any of these databases to any format they support. Have tried generic text, have tried small file of 1000 references, have tried bibtex text file, and almost all the bibutils formats. Zotero starts, then hangs and Firefox must be restarted.

Hand editing is not an option. I thought Bibtex was somewhat of a standard? And Endnote native files also don't import?

I have read through the forums but no one seems to say 'here is a 100% fool proof import method'.

Zotero looks great, but withoutthese references it is seriously limiting for me.

Thanks in advance for any help,

  • edited December 28, 2007
    You should let the import run overnight--it is working, it just takes a long time. Before that, make sure to set dom.max_chrome_script_run_time to 0 (in about:config). The problem you describe is not related to a particular export/import format--bibtex would work fine I think.
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