Openoffice Integration 3.5a2 + Standalone LibreOffice Installations

Hey all:

I'm using Ubuntu 11.04. It comes with Libreoffice 3.3.2 but recently I've installed 3.3.4 from the Libreoffice website. The 3.3.4 tar.gz does not contain a package called "java-common" which is now required with the new 3.5a2 integration. While "java-common" exists within the Ubuntu-approved 3.3.2 packages it doesn't with the Libreoffice generic 3.3.4 debian packages.

Is there a way to get around this?
  • edited June 25, 2011
    You don't need a libreoffice-java-common package if you are using the packages from the LibreOffice website. If you have removed the Ubuntu LibreOffice packages but Zotero is still trying to install libreoffice-java-common, run

    sudo dpkg --purge libreoffice-writer
    We'll fix this in the next release.
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