Import citation from an ajax-based site

I am currently working on an important bibliography site. Unfortunately, I based the architecture on my site on ajax. I say 'unfortunately' because I have just understood that ajax was not not compliant with zotero that does not detect a DOM change (it apparently detects a reload) (see for instance : or So, importing metadata with Coins seems difficult at the moment.
As I am to present my work to official institutions, I would like to prove that the metadata are formatted to open standards by using Zotero as a product example.

I was thinking of inserting a link such as the 'import' link in I noticed that google exports the metadata in RIS format. I try to do this by forcing my site to download the relevant ris file, but it does not insert in the local zotero database (It would have been too simple!). I suppose I need a javascript code to redirect the ris data in the local zotero database?

Could you help me or give me tip?

Thanks in advance.
  • you can have a look here:
    maybe unApi is what you're looking for. Beyond that, you're probably better of posting very technical questions to the zotero-dev list.
  • Please do post your question to zotero-dev ( It is planned to make Zotero listen for specific DOM events, but we haven't yet decided what to listen for. Post there and maybe we can settle on specific events.
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