Getting updated data from sync server - not

On Monday evening I successfully did the upload part of a sync, but I left Zotero all Monday evening and night with the arrow circling and saying 'Getting updated data from sync server' and 'Last sync: 3 days ago'. It was still going in the morning. Yesterday evening I restarted Firefox and again left it going, this morning it's still saying 'Getting ...' but now it's 'Last sync: 4 days ago'.
This is with Firefox 4.0.1 and Zotero 2.1.7 under Windows 7. I'm working on the same document on this machine and on a Linux machine at work, where yesterday I synced with no problem.
So now I'm following the instructions at and asking for help. By the way, at the end of the paragraph there it says 'and no "Last sync" time displayed'. Does it mean 'and no *recent* "Last sync" time displayed', as earlier in the paragraph?
  • Upgrade Zotero to 2.1.8, restart FF and try again. There were some issues in the 2.1.7 version that caused sync problems.
  • For some reason I didn't see your message until just now. In the meantime, during the day I noticed another thread about 2.1.8, which I hadn't realized was out, so when I got home I upgraded and the sync worked fine. Thank you very much.
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