Problems with epidemiology citation styles from repository in MS Word
I have installed some new citation styles from the repository, but when I go to use them in MS Word, nothing changes. I can switch freely between the standard styles that came installed with Zotero, but when I go to use one of the new styles, it just displays the previous style that was used. I am using version 2.1.7 and I have tried re-installing the styles. The specific styles I have added are: American Journal of Epidemiology and International Journal of Epidemiology.
But to clarify - you've tried switching to an entirely different style - like APA - and then to one of the Epidemiology journals and the citations stay in APA?
That would be a bug then and an error report, created right after switching styles would be helpful:
Differences between AJE and Vancouver styles:
- AJE style only lists 3 authors, then et al. (Vancouver style lists 6)
- Journal title is italicized in the AJE style
- Only the year of date is listed in the AJE style (Vancouver style includes month and day)
I'll ask if AJE can work with Zotero to produce a style if I get the opportunity during my manuscript submission.
Would it make sense to have a separate bug reporting system devoted entirely to style errors/updates?
Thanks for your help - Zotero is awesome!
Why do you not think the forum is a good place to report style issues?
RE the forum & style issues, it seems to me that tailoring styles requires attention to many small details and that a more formal 'bug' reporting system might facilitate tracking those details. Of course whether this is actually a good idea depends on the requirements of the developers/maintainers - just a suggestion on my part.
Unless you can reproduce the style undefined error I wouldn't worry about it. Also, you should update to 2.1.8. I'll post here once AJE is fixed.
If someone still needs the IJE style, please start a new thread following these guidelines: