LibreOffice crashes " You must place the cursor in a Zotero citation to edit it"

Can anyone confirm this bug on libreoffice?
Steps to reproduce it:

1) Create a new document and save it as odt.
2) Open Firefox (with zotero installed)
3) Create a citation, configure the style (I used APA), and select whatever reference you have stored.
4) Click anywhere (outside the citation you just created).
5) Click on "Edit Citation", It will tell you "You must place the cursor in a Zotero citation to edit it". and click "Accept".
6) If you are still able to use Libreoffice, click once again out of a citation and the botton "Edit Citation". I cant repeat this step more than three times before it crashes and I must kill the process to be able to continue my work, (it happens in eather new files or old ones)

Software used:

LibreOffice 3.3.2
OS. Ubuntu 10.04
Firefox 4.0.1
Zotero 2.1.7
Zotero plugin 3.5a1

Thaks to any one who can confirm this, or is an exception. fault of a corrupted (binary) file somewhere.
  • edited September 12, 2011
    Still present on LibreOffice 3.4.3
    OS. Ubuntu 10.04
    Firefox 6.0.2
    Zotero 2.1.10
    OpenOffice Integration 3.5b1
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