I have recently updated to zotero 2.1. Now when I want to open my thesis and add new references it comes up with a warning message for every single reference I already put in (using the 2.0 version) and askes me to replace each of them...any suggestions how I can keep working with my document and recover my references in the text?
This item no longer exists in your Zotero database. Do you want to select a substitute item?
Clicking "No" will delete the field codes for citations containing this item, preserving the citation text but deleting it from your bibliography.
I have a huge document and don't really want to go round replacing every single reference. Any suggestions how I can keep adding ereferences to my Thesis and keep the old ones?
I have also noticed that when I want to insert a new reference I can only see title and author. whereas in the old version I could customize the add-in to include year, etc I don't seem to be able to do this here... If this is a new feature of Zotero 2.1 how can I reinstate my Zotero 2.0 which I did everything I needed it to do?