Capital letters in title when text-case is lowercase

Hi there,

when the text-case is set to "lowercase", how to keep some character, such as "DNA" in title, not to be lowercase. I have searched the Zotero forum with no luck.

Thanks in advance!

  • I will try to make more clear... For example, I have a journal article titled:

    Confidence Limits for Hazardous Concentrations Based on Logistically Distributed NOEC Toxicity Data

    When use text-case="lowercase", it becomes:

    confidence limits for hazardous concentrations based on logistically distributed noec toxicity data

    However, I hope to get:

    confidence limits for hazardous concentrations based on logistically distributed NOEC toxicity data

    My question is, how to keep NOEC in uppercase.

    Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

  • Lowercase will force everything to lowercase, always. Sentence case currently forces everything to lowercase except for the first letter. Probably it should preserve uppercase for all-uppercase words in a mixed-case string. We'll look into this.
  • Thank you very much for quickly reply.

    Maybe alternative way similar with the <i> and </i> in title for species' scientific names...

  • There is really no rich-text coding needed for this - the idea is that you'd store the title in sentence case, i.e. including all caps abbreviations. We discourage using text-case="sentence" in csl styles because it never works correctly - abbreviations, proper nouns - there are just too many exceptions.
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