AMSMathSciNet translator is broken
When trying to capture the following webpage I got an error
Error console contains the following message:
Error: TypeError: doc.evaluate("//div[@id=\"content\"]/div[@class=\"doc\"]/div[@class=\"headline\"]/strong", doc, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext() is null
Source File: file:///home/eli/technion/zotero/translators/AMS%20MathSciNet.js
Line: 0
Thank you
Error console contains the following message:
Error: TypeError: doc.evaluate("//div[@id=\"content\"]/div[@class=\"doc\"]/div[@class=\"headline\"]/strong", doc, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext() is null
Source File: file:///home/eli/technion/zotero/translators/AMS%20MathSciNet.js
Line: 0
Thank you
It should start working again. If this works for you, please post here so that I can submit this change to be pushed to all users.