Problems with initialisation and web addresses in JRAI style

I haven't been using Zotero very much for citations and bibliographies over the last twelve months, but I recently had to update some old documents and I found that the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute style, which I wrote, has developed some problems.

These problems didn't occur twelve months ago, so I think they must in some way relate to updates to Zotero or CSL.

What is strange, is that the style seems fine when you hover the mouse over the style name in the Zotero database. However, the following two problems occur when using the Zotero test pane or when using the plug-in in documents.

1) Intialisation is broken in the bibliography. This used to work fine. No changes have been made to the code. I can't figure out the problem. The code looks right to me.

2) All Zotero items with URLs now result in access information on URLs being listed in the bibliography, even when this is inappropriate, i.e. this happens regardless of what option in selected for use of URLs in the preferences. This second problem may be a result of flawed coding, but it used to work as I wanted, only giving information on URLs for articles without page numbers. If someone could explain what has changed in Zotero, then perhaps I'd find it easier to fix the coding.

Any help on this is very gratefully received. I don't know if similar problems have arisen with other styles during the updates to Zotero.
  • This is due to a complete change of the csl processing in Zotero.
    Re-install/update your style from the Zotero repository.
    2) will almost certainly be fixed - this was due to a poorly coded access macro that had propagated to many styles - the old csl processor interpreted this differently so the problem didn't show up - we fixed this for all styles in the repository.
    1) might still not work - in that case let me know exactly how it's not working and I'll take a look.
  • edited May 15, 2011

    1) Regarding the initialisation.

    Well, this is not working for authors in the bibliography. The output should be, and was, like this:

    AAASurname, F., Name A. & Name A. 2000. Book Title (eds N. Editor & N. Editor2; trans N. Translator & N. Translator2). (Series name). Place: Publisher.

    However, what I am now getting is:

    AAASurname, Firstname, Name Author2 & Name Author3 2000. Book Title (eds N. Editor & N. Editor2; trans T. Translator & N. Translator2). (Series name). Place: Publisher.

    So as you can see, there is no initialisation for the author names, but there is for editors and translators. Could there be some sort of incompatibility between small caps and initialisation, as that seems to be the only difference in the coding?

    2) Regarding the issue with the URLs:

    I have just tried re-installing the style again, which I had tried this previously, however this doesn't correct the problem. To illustrate what is happening, this is the output I get for a periodical with page numbers, when

    i) Include URLs is selected:
    Xiang, Biao 2007. How far are the left-behind left behind? A preliminary study in rural China. Population, Space and Place 13, 179-191 (available on-line:, accessed 2 April 2009).

    ii) Include URL is not selected:
    Xiang, Biao 2007. How far are the left-behind left behind? A preliminary study in rural China. Population, Space and Place 13, 179-191 (available on-line: , accessed 2 April 2009).

    As you can see it removes the URL itself, but not the text it appears within. Previously, if there were page numbers, the whole clause disappeared. I never questioned how this was happening, but it happened.

    I know that CSL has been greatly improved and when I have time was planning to update this style making use of the full-possibilities that CSL1.0 provides, however, I was hoping the existing version would hobble over the finishing line of my PhD first.
  • I'll have a look, I wouldn't worry, this should be easy to fix.
  • adamsmith, did you get to chance to look at the issues I mentioned and see if you could work out what the problem must be. I would certainly be very grateful if you could still have a look.
  • sorry, hectic weeks with bad internet -
    I fixed the access macro, the updated style will appear on the zotero repo shortly (for some reason it had skipped by the large batch of fixes).
    Author initialization works for me on a branch version of Zotero so I'd assume that is fixed with Zotero 2.1.7
  • Excellent, I will have a look at the new version and see if I have any more problems. Many, many thanks.
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