can't get 2nd computer to find files when it syncs


I can't get my home computer to find the data items that I have on my office pc. I have logged in to my account fine on both computers (I checked they are the same logins). The home pc says it has synced but finds nothing. The office pc appears to be continually syncing- it keeps finding errors because of too long tags (it has been on and off syncing for a few days but says it last synced 26 days ago).

  • And if you're not fully syncing on the office PC, you need to resolve that. If you have long tags, clicking the sync icon will present you with a wizard that will help you resolve all of the ones in your database.
  • Sorry I meant to say it is not finding anything on my home pc, not just the linked files. It can't find the library- although it says I am logged into the same account.

    On the work pc it is still syncing. At the moment no error message is coming up but it has been syncing for days and still stays last synced 27 days ago. When I click on the icon nothing happens. Is there another way to get to the wizard?
  • edited May 11, 2011
    It's not possible for a sync to last for days—just restart Firefox.
  • thanks-

    I have restarted Firefox many times but it just keeps syncing for hours at a time and telling me it last synced 28 days ago.

    I have spent most of today deleting tags- I have 3000 references. I even tried copying my library out, reinstalling zotero and copying it in again, but the arrow keeps spinning. It only occasionally throw up an error message and then encouraged me to delete tags- but most of the time it just spins.

    I would love to use Zotero but I just can't get it to work. I don't know if I am missing something obvious.
  • Are you running Firefox 4? If not, upgrade. And make sure you have Zotero 2.1.6.
  • Yes I am running firefox 4 and Zotero 2.1.6.

    After deleting all the tags yesterday at work , my home pc found the zotero dbase and synced successfully. However, the work pc keeps on syncing.
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