Style error for APA - non primary author initials incorrectly included
The author disambiguation feature appears to be over-implemented for APA 6th edition. When two or more non-primary (i.e., not the first author) authors with the same surname (last name) appear in in-text citations, Zotero includes their first initials, apparently in an effort to disambiguate them.
[Zotero output]:
Some authors (Easterling, Hurd, & J. Smith, 2004) are not the same as other authors
(Leiserowitz & N. Smith, 2010).
[Correct style]:
Some authors (Easterling, Hurd, & Smith, 2004) are not the same as other authors
(Leiserowitz & Smith, 2010).
According to my reading of the APA style manual, however, the Zotero implementation is incorrect (Publication Manual of the APA, 6th Edition, p. 176). First authors should be so disambiguated, but not subsequent authors (which I think is rather inconsistent on the part of APA, and does lead to ambiguity about the identity of subsequent authors).
Am I incorrect in my reading of APA style, or does this need to be corrected?
[Zotero output]:
Some authors (Easterling, Hurd, & J. Smith, 2004) are not the same as other authors
(Leiserowitz & N. Smith, 2010).
[Correct style]:
Some authors (Easterling, Hurd, & Smith, 2004) are not the same as other authors
(Leiserowitz & Smith, 2010).
According to my reading of the APA style manual, however, the Zotero implementation is incorrect (Publication Manual of the APA, 6th Edition, p. 176). First authors should be so disambiguated, but not subsequent authors (which I think is rather inconsistent on the part of APA, and does lead to ambiguity about the identity of subsequent authors).
Am I incorrect in my reading of APA style, or does this need to be corrected?
Humor aside, I see the issue, and can confirm. It would be helpful to have this pinned down with specific guidance from the staff at APA. This is at least arguably within the scope of their rule as I understand it, as the expansion happens only on the primary name. It could be made more restrictive, but I'd like to confirm that that's definitely necessary before going forward with the work.
Sorry for the extra request, but if the point can be firmly established that names other than those in primary position should be ignored, I'll take a closer look.
Here's the exact text of the email: This is from the editorial supervisor of APA journals, so it's as authoritative as it gets.