Improving BibTeX export

  • It is working. Sometimes life can be easier as expected. Thank you very much.
  • hi everyone, from a different problem I came to use AutoZotBib and found (once again) the intriguing translator "BibTeX_RobinTan.js" as recommended on the AutoZotBib plugin website... If I follow the instructions I am able to get AutoZotBib using the "BibTeX_RobinTan.js" translator for auto-exports, however, then I cannot use the \cite{key} quick copy translator, which I urgently need!
    Is there a way to get the "\cite" translator work with the keys exported by the "BibTeX_RobinTan.js" translator?
    cheers, obsrvng_obsrvrs
  • Hi spartan,

    i allready wrote this at There I also added my file.

    I recently installed a version of your BibTeX_Tan.js edited by Robin (BibTex_RobinTan.js attached). I further edited it and now I got a bug.

    My problem is that I can not translate Zotero entries with a number as first character in the title. With the original BibTeX.js-file it works but with our version it does not.

    I hope you can help me by identifying the error.

    best Dr.Blech
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