First name reduced to initial in Chicago style

I'm using Chicago style endnotes with no bibliography. For some reason, Zotero is using just the initial of one author's first name instead of their full first name for the first appearance of all of that author's works. This only happens with one author. How do I fix this?
  • by putting the whole first name into the Zotero item - you probably grabbed it from a database like google scholar that doesn't provide full first names.
  • I am having a similar (the same?) problem.

    I have names correctly entered in the Zotero item (using two fields--last name and first name in a separate field--for example "Cavendish, Margaret"). However, the first citation to this work (and to this author) appears as "M Cavendish"--no period. This problem is relatively new--perhaps something was miscoded in a recent update to the style?
  • chrisloar - which style exactly are we talking about?
  • This is also in "Chicago Manual of Style (Without Bibliography)." Using endnotes and fields, not bookmarks.

    Another detail is that for authors with a middle initial, the first and middle initials are sometimes run together ("VA Kahn" instead of "Victoria Ann Kahn"). This is incorrect formatting for Chicago style even for recurring names (unless I'm misremembering).

    After fiddling with this for a bit, I've been able to resolve most of my problems by a) making sure all authors have only one version of their name in the database (that is, I culled middle initials), and b) switching to footnotes and then back again.
  • I think this is related to an issue that's fixed in the next version of Zotero -
    according to the style you should get the full first name for all first cites and for subsequent cites where the author requires disambiguation (i.e. if there is Victoria Ann Kahn and Genghis Kahn).
    If you're not getting this it's a Zotero, not a style issue (and as I said, I'm pretty sure it's fixed in the next release - if it's not come back).
  • Great--thanks very much for the quick response.
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