Zotero keeps changing citation field

I don't know if anyone encountered the following annoying error:

1. Original when inserting citation using Zotero:
(Scheffer, 2010) found that....

2. then I manually changed to
Scheffer (2010) found that

However, after few times opening or saving the document, the in text citation changed from (2) to (1) which was very annoying because I had too many references written in the same above manner.

Could anyone help me with this?
I'm using Windows 7, Office 2010 Pro Plus, Firefox 4.0.1, Zotero 2.1.6 and WinWord Integration 3.1

Thank you for your time

  • Zotero overwrites all manual edits of citations in the document - that's by design.
    The way to go for these types of citations is to use the "suppress author" function and type the name of the author.
    If you do need to make changes that will stay, use the show editor window in the plugin, but do heed the warning displayed - generally, using this is not advised.
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