Zotero 2.1.6 error on each citation added MacWord 2004 (ver 3.1.2)

I have updated to Zotero 2.1.6 and upon prompting updated my document. The style has had to be changed as my old customised style was no longer acceptable. ( error this.style is undefined). I had to replace one reference as it considered it to be no longer in the database. Upon adding new references ( which seems ok) the error message

COMMAND app (u'/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Microsoft Word').active_document.fields[243].result.range.font_object.color_index.set (aem.AEEnum('\x01\xfd\x96\x7f')) - all typed but hopefully no typo.

I have sent in an associated debug report D1368962360.

Any suggestions? Thanks.
  • Just to add, even after saving, refreshing the citations has the same effect.

    Is it safe to continue working on this document?
  • Just spotted this has already been covered below. I will try out the fixes mentioned there.
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