"build" standalone on windows
So, I would like to get a 2.1.x build of zotero running as standalone rather than the current 2.1a3 which is several months old.
I tried just copying all the files from my firefox 4 zotero extension folder to the zotero standalone programs folder, but this did not work so well.
Are there some files I should exclude when doing this? I was hoping zotero.exe would just run the new zotero.jar and not care that it changed.
I tried just copying all the files from my firefox 4 zotero extension folder to the zotero standalone programs folder, but this did not work so well.
Are there some files I should exclude when doing this? I was hoping zotero.exe would just run the new zotero.jar and not care that it changed.
Hopefully the team will come out with Standalone trunk builds, like the trunk and 2.1 branch XPIs available for standard Zotero.
XML Parsing Error: undefined entity
Location: chrome://zotero/content/standalone.xul
Line Number 23, Column 1:<window id="main-window"
which indicates some other error is happening as "<" being undefined is non-sensical.
Would not recommend the bash script linked above. Steps are:
0. apt-get curl, perl, bash, subversion
1. make a build directory
2. get build_sa from https://www.zotero.org/trac/browser/standalone/trunk/build_sa
3. Download xulrunner 2.0 for your architecture http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/xulrunner/releases/2.0/runtimes/
4. slightly tricky part: make an "xulrunner" subdirectory in your build directory. Then extract the xulrunner archive file to this subdirectory. You will have {build dir}/xulrunner/xulrunner/{a bunch of files/folders}. You now need to rename the 2nd xulrunner subdirectory to xulrunner_{arch} where {arch} is linux-i686, linux-x86_64, or win32. so you should have {build dir}/xulrunner/xulrunner_win32/{a bunch of files/folders} for windows builds.
this is simply how the build_sa script is setup to find xulrunner.
5. select the build(s) you want by editing the first few lines of build_sa.
6. chmod u+x build_sa (not sure if it's necessary)
7. execute: sudo ./build_sa
note that build_sa will try to build linux i686 and x86_64, if you don't have both xulrunners it will print a harmless error.
I'll put any builds I make there (highly recommend sugarsync!). I have the latest win32 SVN in there now. I'm going to build a 2.1 branch in the near future.
Thanks for making this-- I may hack something together to autobuild and host on my server, since it looks like this is pretty simple to do (given proper instructions).