Trouble Searching

I want to search my library for all different forms of a word. For example, I want to search for seduce OR seduction OR seduces OR seducing.

If I do a basic search for seduc or "seduc", then I get 25 results. If I do a basic search for seduc%, then I get 69 results. If I use the search bar to search for "seduc%", I get zero results.

So, my first question then is "What's the difference between seduc and seduc%?"

The next question is "How do I perform this search in advanced search so I can save it?" Using "seduc%" doesn't work at all, similarly entering seduc% in advanced search doesn't work. Putting seduc in advanced search gives me 25 results that I get when I do seduc in the search bar, is that the result that I want?

I tried manually entering separate search items for each form of seduce so my search looks like this:

Match any of the following:
Attachment Content contains seduce
Attachment Content contains seduction
Attachment Content contains seduces

That search gives me only 9 results. If I remove the last two clauses, then I get 15 results. I'm using match ANY and removing one of the options gives me 6 FEWER results. Is the advanced search functionality simply broken? or am I missing something?

I'm using Zotero 2.1.5 on Firefox 4.0 on Mac OSX 10.6.6.

Any help here would be appreciated.
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