pp. instead of p.

Dear all,

I'm having some trouble to figure out how to show pp. instead of p.
in the bibliography with this style. Thank you for your hints and kind regards:

Fiedler, K. D.; Grover, V.; James, T. C. (1996): An Empirically Derived Taxonomy of Information Technology Structure and Its Relationship to Organizational Structure. Journal of Management Information Systems (13:1), p. 9-34. Available at: [Accessed March 28, 2011].


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  • Please post the style to http://gist.github.com/ as a public gist, and post the address returned in the address bar back here. Without indenting it's hard to read the style.
  • Thanks for the hint, here it is:

    Kind regards,
  • Which zotero version? 2.0? 2.1? (I would say zotero 2.0)
    p. or pp. is defined by the "locator" label (<label variable="locator" suffix=". " form="short"/>) and is localized. If you're using a English Firefox and zotero, you should get "pp."
  • edited April 4, 2011
    At line 196, change variable="locator" to variable="page".

    @Gracile: The locator variable set on a label won't pluralize in the bibliography, it's specific to citations.
  • The problem is solved.
    Thanks for the great help, its really appreciated.
  • @Frank: yes, thanks for the reminder! I jumped the gun...
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