Zotero always reports database errors on Ubuntu 7.10

This is a duplicate of an email I sent to support that I haven't heard back on.

Upon a fresh installation of Zotero 1.0.1 to Firefox on Ubuntu 7.10, Zotero reports database errors. Using the database repair tool at http://www.zotero.org/utils/dbfix/ by uploading the zotero.sqlite.bak file and downloading the resulting zotero.sqlite file, closing Firefox, copying that file over the original, and opening Firefox still results in a report of errors with the database. Likewise the following steps, per http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/1686/ do not resolve this error:

sqlite3 zotero.sqlite .dump > dump.sql
mv zotero.sqlite zotero.sqlite.old
sqlite3 zotero.sqlite "PRAGMA auto_vacuum=1"
sqlite3 zotero.sqlite < dump.sql
I verified this on three separate Ubuntu machines. I did not experience this on installation to a Windows machine. Is this distribution-specific? I would be interested in hearing from other *nix and specifically Ubuntu users.
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