zotero 2.1.2: editing a standalone note in seperate window

this update changes autosave behavior, and it seems that zotero will save notes when leaving it. this works when editing in the panel, but it makes things worse when editing in a seperate window.
  • As far as I know, we didn't change this, and Zotero has always saved notes upon exit when editing in a separate window. Why wouldn't you want this?
  • There was this:
    but I can't see how this would cause a problem.
  • Right, but that only affects the pane. In a separate window, AFAIK, Zotero has always saved on exit (in addition to saving while the note is edited).
  • sorry, i didn't express myself clearly.
    I do like this feature and i love zotero.
    this is how to reproduce the problem:
    1.add a standalone note
    2.open it in seperate window
    3.input some words and wait a second(or switch to another window), the words are gone

    this problem happens when the seperate window and the note panel are both opened.
  • I can reproduce this.
  • OK, this is fixed in the latest 2.1 Branch dev XPI, and the fix will be included in 2.1.3.
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