Citation-number in citation is incorrect when additional items are manualy added to bibliography

Citation-number variable in citation is incorrect when additional items are manually added to bibliography (through "Edit bibliography").


<citation et-al-min="4" et-al-use-first="1" collapse="citation-number">
<key macro="language-sort"/>
<key macro="author"/>
<key variable="issued"/>
<layout prefix="[" suffix="]" delimiter="; ">
<text variable="citation-number" suffix='. '/>
<text macro="author"/>
<text variable="locator" prefix=", с. "/>

<bibliography et-al-min="4" et-al-use-first="1">
<key macro="language-sort"/>
<key macro="author"/>
<key variable="issued"/>
<layout suffix=".">
<text variable="citation-number" suffix='. '/>
<text macro="author" />


[1. Nagel T.]

1. Gross D.K.
2. Nagel T.
3. Sahlin B.H., Harding M.G., Seamon J.G.

Two items are manually added: "Gross" & "Sahlin et al.". The items in bibliography are sorted alphabetically, so Nagel's paper is the second, but citation-number still shows 1.

Is it a known bug and is there any fix?
  • I'll check the behavior, but meanwhile, does the numbering correct itself when you click "Refresh"?
  • Confirmed, and "Refresh" does not remedy the citation number assignment. This needs some attention in the processor, and possibly a small tweak in Zotero as well. The fix won't be in time for 2.1.2, but I'll try to have a fix ready for the following release.
  • edited March 30, 2011
    It seems that the citation processor is able to identify the changes to the citation numbering, and report the result back to Zotero, but the interface between the processor and Zotero may need some attention to get this working correctly. I don't understand the code for this on Zotero-side very well, so I'd better wait for contact from the developers before taking any action.

    (Edit: A further test shows that there is definitely a bug in the processor, that needs to be fixed before we can proceed with addressing this. More news later.)
  • This turned out to be mostly due to a processor bug. I've applied a fix, and issued a fresh release of citeproc-js (version 1.0.137). The fix is not quite complete -- citation numbers are out of sequence immediately after the manual insert -- but Refresh will reconcile the numbering now, so (it's possible to produce a correct document and) there is a base to work from for further refinements in Zotero.
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