Duplicate Author Names, White Space

I noticed that Zotero is pretty smart with adding initial to author names when citing (I'm using APA). So if I have authors John Smith and Mary Smith, when I cite in Word Zotero will cite them as (J. Smith 2007) and (M. Smith 2007). This is great, but I had an issue where an author changed how they signed their papers, for example the same author as John A. Smith and John Smith would not create a citation as simple (Smith, 2007) but (J. Smith, 2007) and J. A. Smith, 2007). It took me a while to sort that out, and change the author names to be the same manually.

I also noticed that Zotero isn't trimming whitespace when importing names, So the author name fields will have "Smith ", "John " with extra spaces at the end. Not sure if that will cause problems, but doing a trim(string) would fix that.

Thanks for a great application!
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