Info columns in Advanced Search

After doing a search that produced many results, I realised I could have quite used more columns, in the Advanced Search window, other than just Title and Creator. It would be good if the same ones were available as are in the normal view (the full library list), but at the very least, Tags would be an important one to have. I know you can search by Tag, but having that information (and others) about each search result in a column would be very useful to have.

  • Just had the same problem today (wished I could have sorted my Advanced Search results by year), and remembered that I'd already made a suggestion about that. Was wondering whether any devs gave this one a thought. Thanks!
  • Would it be possible to add to a search result also the location of the publication in your own library? To organize my library I have a set of collections and sub-collections and it would be helpful for me to know in which collection the results are also, besides knowing if the publication is in the library or not. Had a look online but could not find anywhere the information of how to do it or are there other ways to circumvent this? Thanks!
  • IrinaA - it's not directly possible, but a workaround is to create a saved search and then use this;
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