PDFs spawning unwanted tabs

Good Morning Everyone,
After upgrading to v2.1.1 Zotero now spawns an unwanted tab every time I double-click to open an attached pdf. I have extensions.zotero.launchNonNativeFiles set to FALSE, I do get the appropriate dialog box from Firefox every time asking me what program I want to use (I often switch between Acrobat and PDFAnnotator), and PDFs do open in the external software. I just don't want all those orphaned empty tabs! This didn't happen in the older version, and it doesn't happen when opening PDFs directly from a web page -- it's specific to Zotero v2. Any thoughts?
Rafael J.
  • edited August 21, 2011

    I'm experiencing a related issue. See here:

    I also tried Dan Stillman's suggestion above but this didn't work on my machine. Also, I only experience this issue when zotero runs in fullscreen mode and when I use ff 4.0.1 or later. Did you find a solution to your problem in the meantime?

  • Following up:
    Try setting extensions.zotero.launchNonNativeFiles to TRUE. Worked for me.
  • Thanks ssauerw and Dan for the advice. These solutions don't work for me because I want to be given a choice of program every time I open a pdf from zotero (FYI, I choose between Acrobat for fast previewing and PDFAnnotator for editing). The only way I can get a choice is if I let Firefox handle the file, instead of the OS. But Firefox insists on spawning a new tab. So I guess this is a Firefox problem...
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