Mac Word integration does not recognize some citations and loses formatting

I have two problems:
1) Zotero do no recognize a citation in (for example) a paragraph with epigraph style, but do it properly in a normal paragraph. When I do a refresh, a message says that not found the reference, but it exists and works correctly when the citation is in a normal paragraph in the same document.

2) The formating of the bibliography is lost when I close and reopening the document. I must reselect the style 'IEEE' in 'Set document preference'. After that I get the 'Bibliography' style in word template, but if I close and reopen the file, 'Bibliography' change to 'Bibliografia1', and repeating the secuence, I get 'Bibliografia1', 'Bibliografia2', 'Bibliografia3', and so on...
Also, IEEE style has an extra space after the number and initial tabulation, which makes paragraph not properly aligned.

I am using spanish versions of:
- Zotero 2.1
- Word for Mac 2008
- iMac with OSX 10.5.8
- Firefox 3.6.16
- Zotero MacWord integration 3.1
- PythonExt

Any help will be welcome!
Thanks in advance
  • What is "epigraph style"?

    Are you saving the file as a doc/docx or in some other format?
  • Simon, sorry if the word is not correct.
    For 'epigraph style' I mean the style that word assigned to the titles of tables and figures.
    If I place an citation at one of those paragraphs, then Zotero does not recognize the existence of the citation in the database (???), with the consecuent error message.

    I'm saving the file as .docx
  • Can you clarify exactly how you're creating the citations that don't work? I'd like to be able to be able to reproduce this.

    WRT to the issue of formatting, is it lost just by closing and re-opening the document with Firefox still open? If so, this sounds like a bug in non-English versions of Word, but we can try to work around it. If you only lose formatting after closing and restarting Firefox, then this is definitely a bug in Zotero.
  • Part A)
    To reproduce the citation that don't work, I do the following:
    1) open a new blank document in Mac Word (2008)
    2) insert a table (any columns and rows)
    3) insert a title (menu insert/title). A title is add over the table, write some text, for example 'this table is from Ref' and add the citation.
    4) Add the bibliography with the zotero menu, somewhere under the table.
    5) Format the title of the table as Cambria font, Uppercase, automatic color
    6) from zotero menu, do a refresh
    7) Error message: ' This item do not longer exist in your zotero dabase....'

    Part B)
    Initially, when I open the document, the format is ok.
    The problem is if I open the document and do a refresh from zotero menu (to which must be open firefox), or when I add a citation.

    Hope this help to solve the problem...thanks for your help.
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